Lodhi Art District Nearest Metro Station

Lodhi Art District Nearest Metro Station

Nearest metro station to Lodhi Art District is Jor Bagh Metro Station Metro Station (1.2 KM) which is located on the Yellow Line of Delhi Metro.

About Lodhi Art District:

Lodhi arts district is located at Lodhi Road, New Delhi. This is the first’s art district of India. 50 renowned street artists have been invited from across the world to create the Lodhi Art District.

Nearest Metro Station to Lodhi Art District:

Jor Bagh Metro Station is located on the Yellow Line of Delhi Metro. Also Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium station is located on the Violet Line of Delhi Metro just 3.3 KM away from Lodhi Art District.

Metro NameLineDistance
Jor Bagh Metro StationYellow Line1.2 KM
Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium stationViolet Line1.5 KM


The distance between Jor Bag Metro Station and Lodhi arts district is not so far, it’s just 1.2 KM away.

Travel Time:

You can reach the Metro in 5 to 10 minutes if you use a vehicle to reach there. If you cover the distance on foot, it will take approx. 10 to 15 minutes.

Route Map:

You can zoom-in the below map to see the exact route to Victoria Memorial. Below is the google map for the same:

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