Nearest Metro Station to Chanakyapuri

Nearest metro station to Chanakyapuri is Lok Kalyan Marg Metro Station (1.5KM) which is located on the Yellow Line of Delhi Metro.

So, come to your destination…

About Chanakyapuri:

Chanakyapuri, is mainly knows as the hub of Foreign embassies and also residential hub of many Government Officials and several politicians.

British, American, and German schools have developed here as a result of diplomatic activity. Vasant Vihar and other posh areas of Delhi are close by in its neighbourhood. Chanakyapuri is well connected by roadways and located on National Highway 8, which connects Dhaula Kuan and Gurgaon. Nearby are the two biggest government hospitals in Delhi, AIIMS and Sufdarjung Hospitals and on top of all this, Chanakyapuri is surrounded by green areas of Lodhi Road, Vasant Kunj, and Jor Bagh.


The nearest metro station to Chanakyapuri is Lok Kalyan Marg Metro and Jor Bagh Metro Station and both are located on the Yellow Line of Delhi Metro.

Both of these metro stations are underground metro station.

The distance between metro station and The Chanakyapuri is approx 1.5 KM. You will see the metro station board in front of your eye.

Metro NameLineDistance
Lok Kalyan Marg Metro StationYellow Line1.5 KM
Jor Bagh Metro StationYellow Line4.7 KM

Travel Time:

You can reach the Metro in 5 to 10 minutes if you use a vehicle to reach there. If you cover the distance on foot, it will take approx. 10 to 15 minutes.

Route Map:

Below is the google map for the same:

Additional Information

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New Delhi Railway Station Nearest Metro

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  1. Which is the nearest metro station to Chanakyapuri, New Delhi?

    Chanakyapuri has two nearby metro stations – Lok Kalyan Marg metro Station and Jor Bagh metro station.

  2. How to Reach Chanakyapuri from Kashmere Gate?

    Kashmere Gate Metro station in Delhi is a station where 3 lines are connects with each other the Red Line, Yellow Line and Violet Line. So for Chanakyapuri just take Yellow Line metro for Lok Kalyan Marg metro Station.

  3. How to reach Chanakyapuri by Delhi Metro?

    Take any metro and then go for Yellow Line metro then go towards Lok Kalyan Marg metro Station.

  4. How to Reach Chanakyapuri from Jahangirpuri?

    Jahangirpuri Metro Station is located on Yellow Line Metro so you just take metro towards Lok Kalyan Marg metro Station.

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