Nearest metro station to India Gate is Mandi House Metro Station (1.9 KM) which is located on the Blue Line of Delhi Metro.

So Let begin the journey…

About India Gate:

The India Gate is a memorial built to commemorate the soldiers of the British Indian Army who fought for British in World War II and is situated above Rajpath, Delhi. The gate was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and constructed between 1931 and 1933. India Gate is situated at the edge of national capital of India and consists of 24 bronze lamps in a square of size 60 x 60 m.

Distance Between:

The distance between Mandi House Metro Station to India Gate is 1.9 Km only.

Travel Time:

It requires at least 5-10 minutes to reach the India Gate from the Mandi House Metro Station.

Route Map:

Nearest Metro Station To India Gate:

Mandi House Metro Station is located on the Blue Line of Delhi Metro. Also, Central Secretariat and Khan Market Metro station is located on the Yellow and Violet Line of Delhi Metro just 3 KM and 2.2 KM away from India Gate.

Metro Station NameLineDistance
Mandi House Metro StationBlue Line1.9 KM
Khan Market Metro StationViolet Line2.2 KM
Central Secretariat Metro StationYellow and Violet Line3 KM

More Travelling Tips for India Gate:

India Gate is one of the busiest tourist attractions in Delhi. Read below for tips to visit India Gate.

  • Free entry for visiting India Gate
  • Best place for an early morning walk
  • Best place to spend a day picnicking
  • Finest place for click pictures and portraits
  • Visit the Children’s Park

Places to Visit Near India Gate

  • Rajpath
  • Rashtrapati Bhawan
  • Parliament House
  • Jantar Mantar
  • Gurudwara Bangla Sahib
  • National Gallery of Modern Art

Best Time To Visit:

Best time to visit India Gate is from February to April and from August to November.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Which metro goes to Delhi Gate?

    Delhi Gate is a Metro Station on the Delhi Metro system on Violet Line.

  2. Which railway station is near to India Gate?

    The Pragati Maidan Railway station is the nearest one to India Gate in Delhi. But New Delhi Railway station is best for traveling purpose.

  3. Is India Gate and Delhi Gate same?

    No, Delhi Gate is one of the 14 gates of the historic walled city of India located in Old Delhi. Whereas India Gate is a All India War Memorial, built in memory of martyred British Soldiers in World War I, ocated in new Delhi.

  4. What is the best time to visit India Gate?

    The monument is open all day however, the best time to visit India Gate is between 07:00 PM and 09:30 PM.

  5. Which DTC bus goes to India Gate?

    These Bus lines stop near India Gate Park: 336A, 410, 410CL, 47ASTL, 502, 623A, 624ACL, 894CL, 930, 966, AC-894.

  6. How do I get from India Gate to Jama Masjid?

    The fastest way to go from India Gate to Jama Masjid is taxi, which will costs you around ₹160 – ₹200 and takes 10-15 minutes.

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