Delhi Sarai Rohilla Nearest Metro Station

Nearest Metro Station to Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station

If you want to reach Sarai Rohilla Railway Station using Delhi Metro then you can use followings stations which are the nearest metro stations to Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station.

So Let begin the journey…

Sarai Rohilla Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station NameDistanceLine
Pratap Nagar Metro Station1.1 KM.Red Line
Sastri Nagar Metro Station1.8 KMRed Line
Both Stations are available on Delhi Metro Red Line.

About Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station:

Delhi Sarai Rohilla Terminal Railway Station is situated about 4 kilometres or you can say (2+1⁄2 mi) from Old Delhi Railway Junction (Purani Delhi) in Delhi, India. Sarai Rohilla Terminal Railway Station is managed by Northern Railway’s Delhi division and has total five platforms. Its station code is “DEE”.

Line Info: Red Line

Distance From Shahtri Nagar Metro Station:

The distance between Shastri Nagar metro station to Sarai Rohilla railway station is approx 1.1 km (walking) and 3.3 km (Driving). It is the most closest metro to Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station.

  • It will take approx 15 minutes if you cover the distance by walking. Just take the Swamy Narayan Marg to proceed.
  • If you have your own vehicle or want to cover the distance by cab/auto wants to cover the distance it will cost you 10-15 minutes.

There is a fixed fare of Rs. 10 per head on shared Auto/Rickshaw.

Distance From Pratap Nagar Metro Station:

The distance between Pratap Nagar metro station to Sarai Rohilla railway station is 1.8 km (walking) and 3 km (driving). It is the second nearest metro to Delhi Sarai Rohilla.

It is not a wise decision to cover the distance by walking because the distance is approx 1.8 km and it will take 20-25 minutes if you choose this method.

Alternatively, you can take a cab or auto rickshaw from here which will drop you to Sarai Rohilla Railway Station in just 15 minutes via Vir Banda Bairagi Marg.

Travel Time:

It requires at least 10-15 minutes to reach the Sarai Rohilla railway station from the Pratap Nagar Metro Station and 7 to 10 minutes from the Shastri Nagar Metro Station.

Route Map:

Nearest Metro Station To Sarai Rohilla

FAQ Section:

How to reach Sarai Rohilla Railway Station from Noida?

It is quite easy to reach Sarai Rohilla from Noida. You can either take a metro or a cab or a bus. All mediums are great to reach there. 

How to reach Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station from Anand Vihar?

In order to reach Sarai Rohilla from Anand Vihar ISBT you can choose either the Delhi Metro or Bus or the cab as per your convenience and budget. 

How can reach Delhi Sarai Rohilla railway station by metro station?

Just take metro and reach to Red Line Metro. Distance from Shastri Nagar and Pratap metro station to Delhi Sarai Rohilla railway station is 1.8 Km and 1.1Km respectively. You can also hire a local e- rikshaw to reach the Delhi Sarai Rohilla railway station.

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